
We love website comments – and think the community-oriented nature of cyclocross warrants community involvement, commenting and feedback on our website. We don’t just publish a select few letters we like;  if you’ve got a relevant, non-offensive comment, your voice will be heard.

To this end, we’ve made a small change that should make it easier to comment on our stories with a new widget below each story. You no longer need a separate login for our site or need to type in all those fields. Now to comment you can login with your Yahoo, Facebook, or OpenID login, among others.  We also hope with this convenient feature will add a bit more “community” to our site by enabling profile pictures and putting  a face or avatar to the comment. Now if we could only let you login with your invaluable CXM Cowbell Forums ID, we’d be all set.

Like it? Hate it? Have technical problems? Guess what? You can leave a comment to let us know. Thanks.